Zyto Elite 5.0 Biocommunication Technology

  • 2650.00 £
  • Published date: January 17, 2025
    • Broughton, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

Zyto Elite 5.0 Biocommunication Technology

⭕ Zyto elite 5.0 technology enables a computer to communicate with the body, by using advance Hand Cradle Techonology. Making a bio scan an easy process for your patients and providing you the treatment provider a wealth of data on all levels of your patients structural, neurological, cellular and emotional qualities of health and well being. This technology has customizable protocols using more than 150 vitamin, herbal, essential oils and homeopathic remedies in treating your patient. This technology works on the energy output of your patient, providing accurate and early detection of health problems and needs making you and your practice a viable resource in maintaining overall health in your treatment practice. Unit is less than 17 months old, condition is excellent. Can arrange shipping, if required.

Phone number ✆ 07854 320094
Broughton, Lincolnshire

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