Film Help

  • 1.00 £
  • Published date: January 15, 2025
    • Haverthwaite, Cumbria, United Kingdom

Film Help

⭕ Hi,
My names Daniel and Im currently in my first year at sixth form with a hope to go into the film industry. At the moment, I am trying to shoot and edit my first short film for college with the idea to create more as a key into the industry.
My deadline for this film is the start of October and I am yet to start filming due to a few missing items.

Firstly, I would love to speak further with anyone interested in helping out with future projects, especially script writers and possibly actors in more a long run. Anyone who wants to be part of the production crew will most likely be very welcome too. As I am only a student, it would, initially at least be unpaid but with film, experience is of the upmost importance.

Secondly, as it is widely known, with all films there is cost involved and I have managed pretty much all of the cost for my first film by myself with only a part time job. However, the challenge has come with trying to raise the £500 for a desktop PC on which I can edit and create the films. Without this, I will be completely unable to progress in my film. So far, I am £100 into the £500 but am due to be released from my current job alongside everyone else when the new owners take over. I am trying to get another job and its looking like it might work.

However, with this change happening, my personal income is going to be reducing significantly, well, completely. Therefore, I come to all you and ask if you might be able to help me out of kindness with a small donation. Just £5/£10 will do if you have not much spare but obviously, more will be greatly appreciated.

If you are interested with either helping out with films or helping me get this PC, please please please email or text me with your name and why youre contacting me so I can respond accordingly.

Thank you so much in advance.


N. B. Only contact me about other service if related to the subject genre in this post. Thanks :)

Phone number ✆ 01228 456054
Haverthwaite, Cumbria

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