Garmin G530W

  • 1800.00 £
  • Published date: January 21, 2025
    • Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Garmin G530W

Complies with WAAS TSO C146a
Terrain database for terrain awareness is standard
WAAS GPS receiver allows for primary naviagation and vertical guidance for LPV, L/VNAV, and LNAV+V approaches
IFR GPS, com, VOR, LOC and glideslope with color moving map in one unit
TSOd VHF 10 watt Comm offers choice of 25 kHz or 8.33 kHz spacing
Jeppesen database (front-loading data card) contains all airports, VORs, NDBs, intersections, FSS, Approach, SIDs/STARs, and SUA information
5 color display
Offers enhanced situational awareness with relation to cities, highways, railroads, rivers, lakes and coastlines
Use of color separates land data, terminal areas, route, and approach information for easy pilot scanning
Able to interface with WX-500 stormscope for storm information
Interfaces to Ryan 9900B / 9900BX TCAD and Goodrich Skywatch to display traffic information


Jeppesen Database

Coverage: Americas, International, or Worldwide

Airports: Identifier, city/state, country, facility name, lat/lon, elevation, fuel service, control, approach information

VORs: Identifier, city/state, country, facility name, lat/lon, frequency, co-located DME/TACAN, magnetic variation, weather broadcast indication

NDBs: Identifier, city/state, country, facility name, lat/lon, frequency, weather broadcast indication

Intersections: Identifier, country, lat/lon, nearest VOR

Frequencies: Approach, arrival, control area, departure, Class B, Class C, TMA, TRSA (with sector, altitude, and text usage), ASOS, ATIS, AWOS, center clearance delivery, tower, ground, unicom, pre-taxi, localizer, and ILS

Runways: Designation, length, width, surface, lighting, pilot-controlled lighting frequency

FSS: Identifier, reference VOR, frequency, usage

ARTCC: Identifier, frequency, usage

MSA: Minimum safe altitude along and in proximity to active flight plan

Approaches: Non-precision and precision approaches throughout the database coverage

SIDs/STARs: Contains all pilot/nav SIDs/STARs

Airspaces: Class B & C with sectors, International CTA & TMA with sectors, all SUAs, including MOAs, prohibited and restricted areas with controlling agency and airport

Phone number ✆ 07824 570306
Peterborough, Cambridgeshire

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