Mind The Gap Board Game A London Educational Board Game NEW

  • 7.00 £
  • Published date: December 31, 2024
    • Chessington, London, United Kingdom

Mind The Gap Board Game A London Educational Board Game NEW

⭕ Mind the Gap Board Game A London Educational adventure Board Game
Age 8+
Product Description

The theme of this game involves a tour of London with stops to see the sights, eat, enjoy the nightlife, and of course shop. For over 900 years ravens have patrolled the Tower of London. According to legend, if the Ravens ever leave, London will fall. The objective is to return the Ravens to the Tower of London. Mind the Gap is a board game for 2-6 players ages 8 and up. The board consists of photographs of famous London attractions. Movement is determined by rolling dice and moving along a track representing different locations in London. There are cards used in the game providing information/trivia about London and parts of British life. These cards also affect game play by causing players to lose turns, switch places with other players, etc.

Phone number ✆ 07624 426954
Chessington, London

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