Yamaha PM5000 Console

  • 2700.00 £
  • Published date: January 17, 2025
    • South Marston, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

Yamaha PM5000 Console

⭕ Ex-Hire Yamaha PM5000 52ch Analogue Mixing Desk

The Yamaha PM5000 is one of the most fantastic analogue consoles - its sounds beautiful, and was always viewed as one of the most high-end analogue audio consoles available.

The console is pretty much immaculate. Its done a couple of festivals in its lifetime, never done more than 10 gigs - Which is a tragedy given its purchase cost all those years ago. Its not missing any pots, all faders are smooth and fully functional - its in perfect working order. It will also come with dual PSUs with all link cables. Its very rare to find a similar console in as good a condition as the one listed here.

Configuration wise, its 48 mono inputs and 4 stereo inputs. 35-bus configuration for FOH / Monitor applications, 12 VCA groups and 12 Mix Matrix. L-C-R panning, full digital scene storage and recall, motorised faders and most importantly some of the most beautiful sounding head amps ever!

The console is fully cased as a full touring package, with integral dogbox. The case is in very good condition - all wheels are fine, handles and catches are good.

Phone number ✆ 07425 596919
South Marston, Wiltshire

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