Eppendorf 5171 Micromanipulator XYZ

  • 1750.00 £
  • Published date: November 3, 2024
    • Mill Hill, London, United Kingdom

Eppendorf 5171 Micromanipulator XYZ

⭕ Eppendorf 5171 Micromanipulator XYZ Chromosome Microdissection Injection Patch

Eppendorf 5171 096.008-01 Micromanipulator with Controller, power unit and XYZ module

Includes manual and accessories pack as pictured!

Looks brand new. Some of the bags are opened, but the equipment wasnt used. Less than 4 months old. Well offer a 30-day warranty so you have a chance to fully assemble and put it to work. Can help with shipping or pick-up.

With its ability to define work areas and to store positions, the micromanipulator allows you to carry out chromosome dissections precisely and rapidly. Adjustable tool movement speeds guarantee a minimum of loss when transporting chromosome segments. The micromanipulator is also capable of assuming control of supplementary units as a second device using the same joystick. By upgrading with a second manipulator, the workplace can be used, for example, for injecting suspension cells.

Phone number ✆ 022 3409 2145
Mill Hill, London

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