Trimble MS750 GPS

  • 3500.00 £
  • Published date: November 13, 2024
    • Northwood, Isle de Wight, United Kingdom

Trimble MS750 GPS

⭕ Trimble is arguably the number one trusted survey equipment manufacturer in the world.As you look through the equipment list youll begin to appreciate the value of the products included in this sale. Our equipment has been well maintained and additional photos are available.

Equipment Listed for Sale
TSC2 SN# ss17A09937 Survey Controller Ver 12.22 -- screen shows a few marks but will not interfere with vision or functionality
57305-90 SPS780 MAX Rover antenna SN# 4550103xxx
36487-00 MS750 GPS receiver s/n 0220378xxx
48480 -90 SNB900 Radio s/n 4539A60xxx
41249-00 Zephyr Geodetic Antenna S/N 60103xxx
47019-00 cable Antenna TNC-N 10m
44087-00 cable, Power battery clip bag TA3 (M)to alligator clips
43238-00 cable data /power 6 ft 12pin bd (F) to 7 --pin lm F /TA3 (m)
32316 TC900 Antenna 3Db Whip
32318 TC900 Antenna 5Db Whip
32922 elevated base
49102 SN900 remote antenna bracket
Sda5518 ac adapter / cord (used to charge up snb900 )
TR30R ac adapter
32960 7pin lemo to 9pin D tsce to rover cable
31288 cable 7 pin os male to 7 pin os male 1.7
TR45A18 ac adapter s/n 45180-0000583
52030 battery LI -- ion 7.4V 2.0 AH battery
52030 battery LI -- ion 7.4V 2.0 AH battery
52030 battery LI -- ion 7.4V 2.0 AH battery
Battery charger Empire TRB-1, TRB-2
Battery charger Empire TRB-1, TRB-2 AD-131A - Ac Adaptor
AD-131A - Ac Adaptor
45502-3 -12pin round to 15v power and 9 pin D connector
26 pin Adapter F to 9 pin and power ( use to charge SBN900)
EXC902TN -- Antenex (Centurion ) 902-970 MHz Duck antenna
57168 Multi Port adapter with 9 pin d connector ( hammer head)
Display to Pole holder
Car charger 12V
Tripod GPS (3 leg w/center)
All Packed in 2 Large Pellican Style Waterproof Hard Cover Carry Cases

Phone number ✆ 01983 330787
Northwood, Isle de Wight

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