Mint EMT 930 St + EMT 929 + New EMT 139 St B Replica + New EMT TSD 15

  • 2700.00 £
  • Published date: February 15, 2025
    • Rusper, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Mint EMT 930 St + EMT 929 + New EMT 139 St B Replica + New EMT TSD 15

⭕ EMT 930st

+ EMT 929 + new EMT 139st b replica + new EMT TSD 15 SFL

the best and most sought after professional stereo studio turntable ever made

For sale a wonderful and very rare in this condition, pre-owned legendary and early EMT 930st professional stereo studio turntable, from October 1968, complete with original heating - and high (anode) voltage power supply for the EMT 139st and EMT 139st b, EMT 929 tonearm, new EMT TSD 15 SFL stereo MC cartridge and new 139st b stereo MC phono tube equalizer amplifier.

After more then 45 years this EMT 930st set is still in original state, no restorations or modifications are made, no repaint, its only completely cleaned, checked and adjusted to factory new specifications and some critical parts are exchanged, for instance:

new vulcolan intermediate (idler) wheel,
new original NOS (New Old Stock) EMT auxiliary platter,
new original NOS (New Old Stock) rubber belt main platter,
new felt ring for braking disk,
new motor capacitor set,
new motor suspension set,
new neon lamp for strobe illumination,
new pilot lamp brake system,
new ball for main bearing.
The new 139st b (which is an exact replica of the legendary EMT 139st b) stereo MC phono tube equalizer amplifier is equipped with tested and selected vintage TELEFUNKEN ECC81 & ECC83 smooth plate tubes.

The complete system is for 220VAC - 50Hz mains voltage (can be converted to 110VAC - 50HZ) and comes with:

mains power cable,
audio output cable, 2 mtr. with Neutrik XLR-3 or Neutrik RCA/Cinch connectors,
bottle (50 ccm) of special EMT bearing oil,
a copy of the original EMT 930st user/service manual,
the original EMT 139st b technical information,
a wonderful black or red velvet dust cover cloth with embroidered EMT logo,
a wonderful black disc stabilzer record clamp,
a PC CD-ROM with lots of EMT information regarding the EMT 927, EMT 930 and EMT 139st & EMT 139st b,
a PC CD-ROM with scanned EMT Courier/Kurier 1 -- 46.
The complete EMT 930st set is in superb working condition and appearance is near mint.

Phone number ✆ 07882 850681
Rusper, West Sussex

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