TW Acustic Raven AC Turntable

  • 1900.00 £
  • Published date: January 31, 2025
    • Orford, Suffolk, United Kingdom

TW Acustic Raven AC Turntable


This is a rare opportunity to purchase a stunning Raven AC, the grand daddy of musical turntables and easily one of the best sounding decks the world has ever seen. Out in the USA where highend enthusiasts have hugely elaborate and expensive setups, the Raven AC can be found sharing rack space with Rockports, Walkers and Continuums. It really is top level league both sonically and also in terms of the quality of enginnering and perceived feel of the deck which is as good as anything out there. In the UK a folk have upgraded from SME30s, Roksan TMEs, Notts Analogues, Linn LP12s etc.. to the TW Acustic deck but never the other way round !

The sound is rich, powerful, very dynamic with gorgeous textural and tonal saturation, a really palpable delivery with stunning bass, a full even response from the very top to the bottom and a way with note decay that will astound you. Unlike many highend decks, the Raven is not a dull dreary lesson in out and out ultimate neutrality and colourlessness, if you want something to appeal to the brain and the lab report then look elsewhere. No, this deck is an emotional gateway, a completely untechnical sound with an unfathamable sense of stability and stamina. It has toe tapping ability by the bucketload and engages like no other deck I have heard. It is also am open-ended reference for life, a platform onto which you can fit 4 different arms of whatever variety you prefer. With the Raven you are not locked into any one system or particular sound. You can run everything from a featherwight unipivot to a 12 inch ultra heavy FR66s+koetsu. You can tell that I am passionate about this item. Thats because the Raven AC is my own deck of choice and I use it predominantly with a Reed tonearm. My personal recommendation would be to use a Reed as well although TWs own 10.5 toneam, the Graham Phantom, Tri-planar, Dynavector 507, daVinic Grandezza, Ikeda, Fidelity research, Schroeder, Breuer type 8, Naim Aro are also acceptable choices.

Phone number ✆ 07911 270312
Orford, Suffolk

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