Nidek Santinelli 3D-fit Patternless Edger LE9000SX

  • 3400.00 £
  • Published date: November 4, 2024
    • Droxford, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Nidek Santinelli 3D-fit Patternless Edger LE9000SX

⭕ Nidek Santinelli 3D-fit Patternless Edger LE9000SX Lens Edger System with 2,914 Cuts. Excellent condition. Low cuts. Boxed and Ready for shipping/pick-up. Unit is less than 3 years old. Santinelli LE-9000SX Express Edger contains all the exceptional features of the LE-9000 with the highest speed and accuracy available in the series. The Santinelli Nidek LE 9000SX Express is an all-in-one edger, giving operators the option to manually over-ride automatic settings to enter safety beveling and grooving specifications. Dimensions: 20.5W x 19.1D x 13H and Weight 92.6 lbs.

Phone number ✆ 07943 972159
Droxford, Hampshire

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