Ryan TCAD 9900BX Avidyne TAS600

  • 2400.00 £
  • Published date: February 14, 2025
    • Broughton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Ryan TCAD 9900BX Avidyne TAS600

⭕ Ryan International/Avidyne


Part Number: 70-2420-8

Serial Number: 0507xx

This traffic system was recently removed from an aircraft for an upgrade and is in great working condition. It comes with the top and bottom antennas, transponder coupler, rack and connectors.

Top antenna part number: S72-1750-31L / Top antenna serial number: 2632

Bottom antenna part number: S72-1750-32L / Bottom antenna serial number: 2655

Transponder coupler part number: 70-2040 / Transponder coupler serial number: 050575

With the TAS600 Series, Avidyne offers four different dual-antenna TAS systems, tailored for the type of aircraft you fly.

Avidynes TAS600 series systems detect and actively interrogate other aircraft transponders within range, display the surrounding traffic on a host of compatible display systems, and provide audible and visual alerts in the event of a potential traffic conflict. All TAS600 series systems provide real-time traffic monitoring and advisories, are not radar-coverage limited, and operate independent of ground-based systems.

TAS600 systems provide traffic advisories by calculating range, bearing, and altitude of intruder aircraft relative to the host aircraft, and provide a graphical overlay view and traffic depiction with TCAS symbology on display systems from over 15 different manufacturers I.E. Garmin 400 and 500 series, most MFDs.

Avidynes ATD150 half 3-ATI Digital Display provides control and display functionality that can be used independently or with a multifunction display. The ATD150 adds a built-in Mute/Update, Approach Mode switch, and an Altitude Alerter function, and provides a compact alternative for displaying traffic threats when panel space is at a premium.

The TAS600 features a 7nm range, a 3,500-foot vertical separation maximum and 18,500-foot service ceiling.

It provides a full 30-second decision time at a closure rate of up to 1200 knots. TAS600 Series traffic systems interrogates transponders from nearby aircrafts within their respective coverage volume, and provides a warning to the flight crew when the calculated time to closest approach (CPA) of any intruder and the protected area around the aircraft reaches the 30-second threshold.

The TAS600 Series provides three levels of alert, so pilots can monitor traffic before it ever becomes a threat. Each of these alerts also provides an altitude separation number and may also include an Arrow pointing up or down denoting that the target is climbing or descending at a rate of 500 feet per minute or greater.

Other Traffic (OT) - Depicted as a hollow Cyan (or White) Diamond and represents traffic that is within the TASs surveillance area but it is beyond 6nm in range and has an altitude greater than ±1200 feet relative to your aircraft and is not an immediate threat.

Proximity Alert (PA) - Depicted as a solid Cyan (or White) Diamond on the traffic display, when the traffic is within a distance of 6nm range and its altitude is within ±1200 feet, but it is still not considered a collision threat.

Traffic Alert (TA) -- Depicted as a solid Yellow Circle, a TA is displayed and an automated voice alert is activated when the calculated intercept course for altitude and direction is within 30 seconds, less than .55nm and less than ±800ft.

Avidyne pioneered the concept of Heads-Up Audible Position Alerting, which verbally indicates the conflicting aircrafts bearing, range and relative altitude for rapid visual acquisition of traffic.

Standard with all TAS600 Series systems, Avidynes patented directional top and bottom antennas provide optimum signal coverage around the host aircraft, enabling faster updates, providing enhanced performance over single antenna systems, and maximizing safety.

Phone number ✆ 01327 257818
Broughton, Northamptonshire

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