The Small Shopkeepers Bible

  • 2.00 £
  • Published date: February 25, 2025
    • Hanley, Staffordshire, United Kingdom

The Small Shopkeepers Bible

⭕ When you really come down to it, making money from a shop is really quite simple. You buy a store, stock it with your stuff, and let the Kingdoms population take it off of your hands. Thats really all there is to it.

This book is geared towards those who want to attempt to maximize the turnover of merchandise that they can get from their store, or use their store to turn over large quantities (e.g. millions) of sales over time. New players and those with smaller inventories may not need to spend much time figuring out the optimal price or advertising budget for their stores, but more advanced players can benefit substantially from giving it some thought...

Phone number ✆ 01538 762300
Hanley, Staffordshire

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