Anritsu MG3694C

  • 3100.00 £
  • Published date: December 30, 2024
    • Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Anritsu MG3694C

⭕ This is an Anritsu MG3694C High Performance Signal Generator/Sweeper. This unit has a frequency range of 8Mhz-40Ghz, and has the following options installed:

2B--Output Attenuator
5--RF Coverage with Analog Downconverter down to 8Mhz
6--Analog Sweep Capability
16--High Stablity Timebase
28B--Full Modulation Suite, consists of the following options:
12--External FM/PM Modulation
14--External AM Modulation
26B--Pulse Modulation
27--Internal LF And Pulse Generators

Phone number ✆ 01305 147613
Bournemouth, Dorset

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