75K Paid For 1.5M Loan , OFF GRID Cattle Operation In Utah

  • 1500000.00 £
  • Published date: January 13, 2025
    • Torquay, Devon, United Kingdom

75K Paid For 1.5M Loan , OFF GRID Cattle Operation In Utah

⭕ I am a seasoned developer with a B.S. Degree from Arizona State University ,,Business College..(top 5 in USA).....I am looking for a 1.5 Million dollar loan,,,,I am happy to pay a $ 75,000 finders fee (out of proceeds) if you get me the loan I am asking for and we get it closed.and funded....!!..I prefer a private lender...YES $ 75,000.00 Finders fee for the right loan..

...Monies will be used to purchase 245 acres, ( has year round cold water stream and 2 artesian wells,,,these have been flowing cold water since mid 1800s....really nice...)................. Construction of a .New Home, huge Barns, fences, well, equipment, cattle, corrals, out bldgs., etc. etc etc..

Property is located by Bryce Canyon Utah 84764..USA Beautiful country.. surround by National Forest.........

.Loan will be well secured by property...Comps go from 8K-20K per bare acre of land...
* 1st position secured by a deed of trust and note from title company..
* I would prefer an interest only loan paid monthly
* Principal returned 24-36 montths

This loan will be used to acquire property, 245 acres, with year round cold water stream. 2 artesian wells, flowing since the mid 1800s..... build home, huge barns, fencing cattle etc...This will be an off grid cattle operation...Great concept and area ,,,GREAT WATER !!!!!

This project will put over 100 people to work, many with families...

I have built this type operation several years ago and sold when things were at there peak.. It is a win-win for all..!!!!!!!!!!!

I am looking mainly for a private lender who wants WAY better interest than what they would get from a bank...This is a fun and profitable investment and project.. NOT A PRESSURE TYPE OF SITUATION....Thanks for your interest I am not looking to fill out endless forms or a lot of jumping thru hoops..Lets keep it simple and an easy going loan for both of us...This is a legitmate loan and fun project to be associated with...

Happy to discuss, give me a call.or email....can close quickly..Thanks for your interest

Phone number ✆ 07586 350055
Torquay, Devon

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