Decrepit And Fishy Masseuse

  • 1.00 £
  • Published date: September 22, 2024
    • Little Bookham, Surrey, United Kingdom

Decrepit And Fishy Masseuse

⭕ Sensationally bad therapy with an woefully inexperienced, unqualified and pitufully delusional 96 year old Scottish Lady, a must to avoid............
You will be underwhelmed with a very poor and overpriced massage which will appall and awaken your senses to my repugnant demeanour and aloof conduct.
Do call me during the week (except Thursdays when its Pension Day) after 9.00am and I shall display my abusive telephony skills and mislead you with incorrect details 07491202660 Alexa Ruth Estelle Rose Cora Anthrax

Phone number ✆ 07487 497014
Little Bookham, Surrey

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