Health Coaching Services In Aberdeen

  • 1.00 £
  • Published date: February 7, 2025
    • Teesside, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Health Coaching Services In Aberdeen

⭕ Healthy Chat Coaching is all about adding meaning to ambition. Youll know if this type of conversation is right for you when you find yourself thinking something like:

I love my family, my home, my choices and am confident with how I see those progressing. I love my work and business and Im motivated and inspired by it. Heres the thing though ... I just know theres something more; something with meaning and purpose that Im ready right now to get involved with.

A Healthy Chat coaching conversation might be about your:

•life choices and relationships
•contribution to family & communities
•ability to show up more authentically at home, at work, for yourself
•small daily habits which, over time, make a huge positive difference
•leadership skills
•relationship with risk - and stretching beyond it
•awareness of your unique purpose

Youll leave these conversations:
owhat your next steps are
ohow to use your experiences for meaningful change
omore about how your intuition works
oa connection to your purpose
oa deeper freedom
othat less is often more
Healthy Chat coaching is facilitated by a qualified Life Coach or Executive Coach. Sessions can be booked as a one-off or can evolve to a continuous program thats regularly reviewed. Most ongoing, high performing coaching clients in time shift to 1 x 30-minute phone session per fortnight.

To book a Healthy Chat session, call or email now. You can also email for a free 15-minute phone conversation to discuss the outcome youre looking for, explore how coaching will work for you and ask any questions.
Healthy Chat, 39 Dee Street, Aberdeen,AB116DY
Tuesdays: 9.30 - 4pm (and some Fridays: 1 - 4pm)
TeL :01674 850552

Phone number ✆ 07855 840585
Teesside, North Yorkshire

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