Seeking Private Lender For Mid-term Loan Of £1,200 Details Inside

  • 1.00 £
  • Published date: November 12, 2024
    • Wedmore, Somerset, United Kingdom

Seeking Private Lender For Mid-term Loan Of £1,200 Details Inside

⭕ I recently had some unexpected and considerable expenses of over £3k. In order to meet those expenses I needed to take out a couple of payday loans, which are terrible, but my credit suffered when I was at university and hasnt recovered yet.

What I am looking for is £1,200 to clear these amounts in full in order to get out of the cycle they pull you into.

I will repay at £350 p/m for 4 months with a final payment of £200 or, if able to pay more each month, more until you have received £1,600 in return, giving you £400 profit.

I am genuine and sensible. I want to clear these amounts ASAP in order to resume saving. I would insist that we meet for a coffee and I will provide evidence of employment.

Phone number ✆ 07412 178676
Wedmore, Somerset

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