The Distillers Bible

  • 3.00 £
  • Published date: January 12, 2025
    • Rutherglen, Scotland, United Kingdom

The Distillers Bible

⭕ I wrote this book to pass along the knowledge that was taught to me over 25 years ago. Along the way though I developed my own style. I boiled down what I learned and moved it indoors. Ive developed designs that can be used right in the comfort of you own kitchen or out back in the woods! The truth is that Moonshining, aka Home Distilling is a folk art that helped build this country. Together we can make it live again, and have a little fun in the process!

But isnt this dangerous you ask. Cooking up spirits isnt any harder then properly roasting a Thanksgiving turkey. In fact its so easy that a redneck like me can do it. And folks if I can do it, then imagine what you might be able to create! Imagine the holidays when you pull out your own special label. Think of the drinks and dishes you can concoct. Open up a whole new world of creativity and step into the hobby that is truly one of the founding traditions of our country.

There are dozens of reasons why people look into home distilling. Maybe you are looking for a new culinary branch to explore, maybe you just like the idea of knowing how to do things for yourself, perhaps you just like to keep the old ways alive or maybe you are just tired of our government telling us what we can and can not do!

In this book I will show you how easy and safe this hobby really is. This book is designed for the beginner distiller and I take the time to introduce you to all the concepts of distilling that you need to get started. One of the great thing about distilling is that you can keep it simple or as get as complicated as you could possible want. This journey is all about where you want to take it.

Please be advised that this is for informational purposes only. After you read this you will understand just how easy it is to make your own Moonshine, Whiskey, Vodka, Rum or even alternative fuels. Then once you understand how easy this is, how safe and how stupid the laws that restrict this are, then you can contact your congressman and/or senator and tell them to repeal the laws that are only in place to protect big businesses. Believe it or not there are Moonshiners everywhere, we have a grand tradition that goes back to the first settlers. Many historians will even tell you that it was moonshine that built this country!

Its time to take back our heritage:

Phone number ✆ 0135 608 7375
Rutherglen, Scotland

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