• 200.00 £
  • Published date: January 21, 2025
    • Finchley, London, United Kingdom


⭕ AS SEEN ON YOU TUBE, this truly is a marvel, we have AT LEAST A WHOLE OUNCE OF THE ORIGINAL INDICAN VARIETY MATERIAL IN EACH AND EVERY 10ML BOTTLE, Do not accept Sativa as this is a stimulant, our product is indican, this is what promotes rest, thereby allowing the healing properties of this fantastic product to work, the CBD and THC content is distributed and this content is guaranteed, the highest you will find, all the way from The Netherlands , this bottled marvel, has been seen to help treat a variety of conditions, as listed below at £200 per 10ml bottle, this is the strongest version of indican oil you will get on the market, it has been specially prepared with the finest base material available. We are happy to take calls and answer any questions you might have regarding dosage, we have placed minimal flavourings in with the oil, none of which contains nuts, it is gluten and wheat free and is suitable for vegaterians, not only is this fantasic product now available in the uk, we challenge anyone using lesser products, to try this, and we are confident you will not be disappointed, these 10 ml bottles come sealed, and have superb shelf life, simply pop them in a fridge, and use as necerssary, we estimate each bottle to be at least a 2 month supply, again look up the oil, and believe the wonders of this Superb product....Please be aware however, that the product can take 6 weeks to enter the system to show improvement of a particular ailment. Here is a list of conditions known and/or being researched that may be helped by cannabinoid therapeutics and supplementation: Acne ADD/ADHD Addiction AIDS ALS (Lou Gehrigs Disease) Alzheimers Anorexia Antibiotic Resistance Anxiety Atherosclerosis Arthritis Asthma Autism Bipolar Cancer Colitis/Crohns Depression Diabetes Endocrine Disorders Epilepsy/Seizure Fibromyalgia Glaucoma Heart Disease Huntingtons Inflammation Irritable Bowel Kidney Disease Liver Disease Metabolic Syndrome Migraine Mood Disorders Motion Sickness Multiple Sclerosis Nausea Neurodegeneration Neuropathic Pain Obesity OCD Osteoporosis Parkinsons Prion/Mad Cow Disease PTSD Rheumatism Schizophrenia Sickle Cell Anemia Skin Conditions Sleep Disorders Spinal Cord Injury Stress Stroke/TBI As you can see the list is literally endless. We post in plain discreet packages too, so that your purchase is totally secure, and your details are never stored with us....your well being as a customer is our prime concern.

Phone number ✆ 026 6009 2736
Finchley, London

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