Redemption By Wayne Sharrocks

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  • Published date: January 16, 2025
    • Crowborough, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Redemption By Wayne Sharrocks

⭕ Redemption by Wayne Sharrocks

This critically acclaimed psychological thriller from award-winning local author Wayne Sharrocks was nominated for The Guardian First Book Award, The McKitterick Prize and Channel 4s Richard & Judys Book Club competition.

The author combines rich, evocative prose with a sense of on-the-edge-of-your-seat pacing to create an emotional thriller that is not just convincing, but thought-provoking as well...

A tight, tension-building tale that provides both psychological insight as well as a thought-provoking read...

*Signed copies of BOTH Dominion & Redemption by highly acclaimed local author Wayne Sharrocks are available for £7.99 from the Diss Publishing Bookshop & Cafe, 40 Mere Street, Diss. IP22 4AH Tel: 01379 642047 & 01379 644612

ISBN-10: 1843862549
ISBN-13: 978-1843862543

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