Naim Audio CD555 + 555PS Reference CD Player

  • 3200.00 £
  • Published date: January 24, 2025
    • Kendal, Cumbria, United Kingdom

Naim Audio CD555 + 555PS Reference CD Player

⭕ Why is it that all manufacturer of high-end power cords recommend that we use their best power cords on the CD player? The quick answer is because it will make the most improvement. The real answer is because it is impossible to build a perfect power supply for the audiophile CD player. This is true until the arrival of the ground-breaking Naim CD555 with the matching 555PS power supply.

The CD555 Reference with the most exotic top-loading transport mechanism and cutting edge DAC is already Naims best CD player by far - a bold statement considering that Naim has been manufacturing category leading CD players for 20 years. The 555PS power supply is even better, and it is the 555PS that makes this CD player the best in the world for redbook CD playback. The CD555 and 555PS combo is so perfect that upgraded power cords wont make any difference at all.

Accessories included: Original boxes, two Naim S-XPS Burndy umbilical cords, metal remote, manual, power cords,
Finish: black
Working Condition: 100%

Cosmetic Condition: excellent

Phone number ✆ 01228 580861

Kendal, Cumbria

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