CAR BOOT SALE JOB LOT - Household Items - By Owner

  • 70.00 £
  • Published date: October 31, 2024
    • East Wellow, Hampshire, United Kingdom

CAR BOOT SALE JOB LOT - Household Items - By Owner

⭕ Hey guys, Im moving house and looking to get rid of a LOT of stuff. Is anybody interested in purchasing a job Lot of carboot sale items?

Will sell you everything for £70 and youre bound to make a profit.

Includes everything seen in photographs. Boxes and suitcases include books, toys, LOTS of boys clothes size medium, kitchen goods, vases and decor, dvds, CDs, and lots lots more general carboot sale items!

If youre interested and willing to pick up in the Hammersmith Area call me or text me on 07713575810

All the best

Phone number ✆ 023 2915 6897
East Wellow, Hampshire

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