Payne,E.F, 7'0,3-piece,model 196 Bamboo Rod.

  • 1500.00 £
  • Published date: February 14, 2025
    • Atherstone, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Payne,E.F, 7'0,3-piece,model 196 Bamboo Rod.

⭕ Payne,E.F,70,3-piece,model 196 bamboo rod.Members
of Jim Paynes fan club (I am one of them) know that this
three-piece model is seldom seen.This one,made post 1948,
has the Spanish cedar reel seat filler and the blued sliding
band and butt cap.With the extra set of ferrules,this is a fast
action 4 DTF rod dry fly all the way.Both tip sections are
straight and full-length,and the ferrule fits are snug.It comes
with the Payne tag marked Special (was that the addition
of the agate guide on post1948 rods?),Payne ferrule plugs,
and the original khaki sectional bag and brass-capped tube
with the silver and blue label intact.I suspect that the rod has
a very thin varnish overcoat,done by a professional if that
is the case,with no re-bluing,no new silk winds or repairs
anywhere on the rod.This highly unusual 3-piece model,
made by the great Jim Payne,is in at least excellent condition
with all the Payne accessories one might want in a rod of this

Phone number ✆ 01926 504257
Atherstone, Warwickshire

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