Lycoming IO-360-A3B6D 200HP Complete Aircraft Engine

  • 2100.00 £
  • Published date: March 5, 2025
    • Hauxwell, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Lycoming IO-360-A3B6D 200HP Complete Aircraft Engine

⭕ Lycoming IO-360-A3B6D 200HP complete aircraft engine S/N RL-27807-XXX with only 425.7hrs since major overhaul by Lycoming back in Feb. 2008. Total time: 6522hrs. This sale is for the complete engine has seen, you will get all accessories, exhaust, intake, mag, fuel pump, starter, alternator, starter ring, baffling, Reiff engine heating system, fuel servo, and log book since overhaul!

Here is a great opportunity to get that 200HP engine for your experimental or Vans RV that your building. Save time and LOTS of MONEY!

Now this engine was removed from a Mooney 201 aircraft being parted out. Unfornately there was a prop strike when the pilot lost control of aircraft on landing knocking the gears out. Engine did suffer a prop strike, the crank flange has been dialed out and found to be .006 out, the limit is .005 so crank flange will have to be straightened but not by much.

Phone number ✆ 07911 844601
Hauxwell, North Yorkshire

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