Alfa Romeo Veloce Engine 1290cc 750 Series

  • 5500.00 £
  • Published date: February 24, 2025
    • Masham, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Alfa Romeo Veloce Engine 1290cc 750 Series

⭕ Completely rebuilt:

Alfa Romeo Engine Specifications:
1954-1958 750 Series Veloce Un-Numbered Block
1290CC (1300cc Nominal) Engine

Engine Block
-Align Honed - not bored and Align Polished
-Oil Passages drilled and tapped for full oiling of cylinders #2 and #4
-Oil passages scrupulously deburred and cleaned multiple times
-Block pressure washed and then steam cleaned 3 times in succession, high pressure solvent and steam injection in all oil passageways.
-Oil passages sealed with Allen set screws and Green Loctite

-Crankshaft polished and cut undersize - 0.0010 (ten thousandths) under rod & main bearings installed (OEM NOS Federal Mogul bearings)
-All crankshaft oil passages drilled, cleaned and tapped and threaded, Allen plugs installed with Green Locktite, crank rebalanced
-Rod Journals #2 and #3 drilled and tapped from both sides for full oiling of #2 and #3 rods
-Crankshaft, slinger, spacer, timing gear, front pulley, flywheel and pressure plate static and harmoniously balanced
-NOS OEM main bearing cap washers, nuts and locknuts installed
-New upper rod bushings installed & reamed to proper wrist pin
-Rods shot peened
-Rods balanced
-Rods sized big and little ends
-New OEM Veloce high strength rod bolts installed

Pistons & Liners
-NOS pistons balanced and installed with wrist pins and rings,nominal displacement 1290 ccs.
-NOS OEM piston liners honed for pistons
-Total Seal NOS piston rings installed
-Final Sun Honing Stone cross-cut on piston liner bores

-Flywheel pressure washed and cleaned, shot peened and re-surfaced with Sun Honing Stone
-NOS OEM Sachs pressure plate and clutch driven disc
-Flywheel, pressure plate and clutch driven disc static balanced
-NOS OEM 17mm flywheel retaining bolts and half moon flywheel
lock plates installed with Red Locktite and NOS locking plates
-NOS OEM 750 Veloce Ring Gear installed and balanced

Oil Pump
-Full rebuild with NOS OEM oil pump relief piston, spring and end cap installed
-oil pump pressure relief valve plunger bore cleaned and chamfered
-high capacity oil pressure plunger relief spring installed
-oil pump housing milled to correct tolerance
-high capacity gears installed, shimmed
-gear play checked and set

Water Pump
-Full rebuild with NOS OEM impellor, shaft, bearings and installed
-Upgraded stainless steel impellor seal installed

Cylinder Head
-stock head height head surfaced minimum 10 thousandths material removed
-first stage intake and exhaust ports ported, polished and matched
-head surface polished after re-surfacing & porting operations
-cylinder head pressure washed and steam cleaned three time in succession after surfacing, porting and polishing operations
-NOS valves, guides, springs, seats and seals installed
-Isky racing valve springs installed, heights set
-Camshaft clearances set at 0.0018 (18 thousandths intake) 0.0020 (20 thousandths) exhaust
-Stock intake manifold ported, polished and enlarged, then matched to cylinder head intake ports
-Special high strength German made Reinz reinforced head gasket installed

Misc. Engine Equipment
-NOS OEM Timing Chains - upper and lower
-NOS OEM Timing Sprocket spring, set plate and bolt
-Original timing sprocket assembly dis-assembled and properly rebuilt for low running stress relief of reciprocating gear
-NOS OEM complete gasket set
-Rebuilt Bosch JF-4 ignition distributor

Phone number ✆ 07388 148599
Masham, North Yorkshire

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