• 2000.00 £
  • Published date: December 25, 2024
    • Grays, Essex, United Kingdom


⭕ Up for sale is an enjoyed only ONE TIME condition gorgeous Lars Ivarsson cross grain long shank Blowfish shapedpipe that was carved by the son of the undisputed master and original Danish freehand pipe carver, Mr. Sixten Ivarsson, in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1998. This was the 12th pipe that he had crafted that year.

Lars Ivarsson is among the top pipe carvers in the world today. His reputation as a pipe designer and craftsman are legendary. If you are serious about collecting ultra high grade pipes, you absolutely must have an Ivarsson pipe in your collection. Having collected Ivarsson pipes myself; I cant even begin to tell you about the feeling of pride of ownership, and knowing that you own a pipe that was carved by a legend. Lars father, Sixten, was the carver who blazed the trail for every pipe carver to come out of Denmark! He learned his craft from the very best! Sixten was the front runner and the originator of organically shaped pipes -- that is letting the flow of the grain determining the shape of the bowl, rather than forcing the grain to conform to a specific shape. Lars continues that design tradition of his father. To find any Ivarsson pipe on the market is a true rare find. To find one of this caliber and in its outstanding condition is an amazing discovery and an extremely special opportunity. In our small pipe collecting community, this is like the equivalent of a Monet oil painting coming to market! Please do not miss this rare and exciting opportunity!
This gorgeous pipe is very beautifully cross grained. The shape is very organic. The engineering is perfect. The craftsmanship is simply as good as it gets - bar none!

I gave this pipe a most superficial of cleaning, as it was enjoyed only one time and has been sitting in storage practically since it was originally carved. Most pipe collectors who own an Ivarsson pipe typically will enjoy it only on special occasions. This happens to be one of those, only it was enjoyed once and tucked away. The original hand cut German vulcanite stem is free of any tooth marks, scratches, or oxidation. The bowl coating is the original that Lars had applied to the pipe when it was originally crafted.The bowl is very clean and crisp. The entire pipe shines like glass!

Here are the dimensions of this work of art: The overall length is about 6.875. The bowl height is about 2.10. The tobacco chamber is about 0.825 in diameter and tapers down the bowls 1.70 inner depth. Tobacco capacity is about that of a Group 5 to 6size Dunhill pipe. It weighs 71 grams. The original signed gray leather pipe bag is included.

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