Rampone & Cazzani R1 Jazz Soprano Sax Gold

  • 2100.00 £
  • Published date: November 16, 2024
    • Goole, East Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Rampone & Cazzani R1 Jazz Soprano Sax Gold

⭕ Rampone & Cazzani have been making wind instruments in the Italian hills above Lago DOrta for a long time but only recently have been re-discovered because of their ability to imitate the coveted sound of the Vintage Saxophones of the past.
A recent visit to the factory convinced us that the people at R & C are onto something which is of significant interest to saxophonists: they are making a hand-made instrument which apprently accounts for the large number of players who have been utterly delighted by the latest generation of Rampone & Cazzani saxophones.

Phone number ✆ 07849 618802
Goole, East Yorkshire

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