Parachute Japanese ,Japanese Navy A6M5 Zero Pilots Parachute Harness

  • 2500.00 £
  • Published date: August 3, 2024
    • Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Parachute Japanese ,Japanese Navy A6M5 Zero Pilots Parachute Harness

⭕ This sale offers an awesome, very rare, and beautiful white silk Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) Turtle backpack style Type 0 (Model 2) aviator parachute manufactured by Fujikura Aircraft Industry Co. Ltd. and dated September 1, 1944. This particular model was preferred by pilots because it allowed them to remove the parachute pack by detaching the two spring-loaded hook risers from the two D rings located in the upper chest area of their harness. The ripcord pocket snaps into a metal bracket on the front left-hand harness. Therefore, the pack could remain in the aircraft seat and allow the pilot to wear the harness comfortably while on stand-by for missions. This was not the case with the Type 0 (Model 1) which had the canopy risers sewed to the harness. The Model 2 was used in several aircraft models that included the A6M5c Zeke (Zero), J2M3 Raiden (Jack), N1K2-Ja Shiden Kai (George), Ki- 201 Karyu twin jet fighter, and others.

The pack and harness colors are outstanding and the canopy, lines, and pilot chute are in absolutely perfect strong white condition without any stains, damage, or repairs of any kind. The pilot chute is a small deployment assist parachute that is attached at the top of the main canopy.

When I acquired this parachute 29 years ago I opened it to inspect the canopy and lines and have not re-packed it so a future owner could verify its condition. All of the hardware/attachments including the ripcord, pack closure washers, static line, four pack opening bungee cords, and two waist attachment bungee cords with hooks are included. The static line is a cord the aviator could attach to the aircraft to deploy his parachute as he fell away in case he was disabled and not able to pull his ripcord.

Some red paint is worn off of the ripcord and there is very little elasticity in the bungee cords. I have seen functional bungee replacements available, however I preferred to keep the parts original. The harness has a blue velvet pad in the saddle and the pad and harness show very little wear. The harness release works fine.

The size of the shipping box for this parachute will be approximately 13 by 15 by 20 inches and weigh close to 22 pounds.

Phone number ✆ 07434 861029
Nailsworth, Gloucestershire

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