Radio Phone Type 13 MK IV/ WW2 S Phone Type 13 MK IV

  • 3500.00 £
  • Published date: January 30, 2025
    • Hindhead, Surrey, United Kingdom

Radio Phone Type 13 MK IV/ WW2 S Phone Type 13 MK IV

⭕ WW2 S Phone Type 13 MK IV.

These were ground to air or shore to ship communications used by saboteurs/spys.

Headset material parts have perished and discoloured with age.

Microphone - the rubber mouth piece has hardened with age.

Some flexes have perished and are brittle, hence the red insulation tape.

The radio unit has some paint flaked off as expected for an item of this age.

Type: Radio Equipment

Service: Special Forces

Era: 1914-1945

Country/ Organization: Great Britain

Conflict: World War II (1939-1945)

Please be aware that I am selling this item without technical knowledge. I have listed it to the best of my ability but I am not able to test anything or comment on its origin. If you do have any questions, please ask and I will do my best to answer.

Phone number ✆ 01737 754249
Hindhead, Surrey

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