Aga Lighthouse Beacon Navigational Light

  • 1900.00 £
  • Published date: January 26, 2025
    • Driffield, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Aga Lighthouse Beacon Navigational Light

⭕ An AGA LBTA 500, the largest one ever made.It stands 72 inches and is 36 inches across,it weighs 500 kg.

The flasher that comes with it is not the original but is the same flasher as the one that would have origianally been used with this light,a four tip KMDC 130.It gives a very bright white light,it is in working order.

The light has a 500mm fresnel lens that takes two people to lift in place.There is some minor damage to the lower prisms on one side.

All the copper work and brass are in very good condition.The outside glass panels have been replaced and therefore have no cracks or scratches.

Phone number ✆ 01452 651378
Driffield, Gloucestershire

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