Paul Dachsel Monumental Amphora Arrow Leaf Vase

  • 1500.00 £
  • Published date: March 7, 2025
    • Castle Eaton, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

Paul Dachsel Monumental Amphora Arrow Leaf Vase

⭕ A Truly Monumental Work By one of Histories Foremost Art Nouveau Artisans Paul Dachsel.

The Arrow Leaf Vase

- Date created: Circa 1905

- Region: Austro Hungary
(Turn-Teplitz, Bohemia Austria)

- Style: Secessionist

- Height: 20.5 inches

- Width at Top: 4 inches

- Width at Base: 10 inches

In creating the Arrow-Leaf vase Dachsel attemps to answer that question and in part reinvents nature. To convey the idea of nature in an art form Dachsel does not merely create a vase upon which a treescape is painted. No. He makes the trees themself the vase. However, being of the industrialist era (and wanting to make, in many ways, a compelling statement with regard to that era) Dachsels tree trunks become, in design, linear steel-like structures that are used to form the upward-mass of the vase. Thick grey-black soot-like striations divide each trunk from the next. The leaves take on a golden metallic forged quality. The vases base is like that of concrete. A massive footing upon which Dachsel creation stands. To cap off this magnum opus is a golden haloed dome.

Monumental does not adeqately describe the awe inspiring feel of this work. The pairing of the subtle beauties of natures organic elemants in combination with the raw power of mans industrial creativity is a style of which Dacshel was the undisputible master. This work of art up for sale today is an example of that creative style at its absolute zenith.

This is without a doubt one of the single most important works of secessionist-industrialist ceramics ever created by Dachsel.

* Please note that the PD Turn Teplitz stamp had a slightly different apperance under different * lighting conditions.

Phone number ✆ 01373 772732
Castle Eaton, Wiltshire

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