Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Polyphonic Synthesiser

  • 2000.00 £
  • Published date: September 6, 2024
    • Coverack, Cornwall, United Kingdom

Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Polyphonic Synthesiser

⭕ It is with great sadness that I have to part with my Prophet 5. This is a very good example in excellent condition throughout.
This is an FX Music Control restored synth and passed through their workshops in July 2002. The synth was serviced by James Walker who was head tech at FX before starting Synth Repair Services. It has lived in my private non-smoking studio apart from a brief trip to have the bus bars replaced two years ago. I have had no other work done on this Prophet 5. The serial number on the synth is 1000-1578.

Phone number ✆ 07914 567781
Coverack, Cornwall

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