Tour Pro Pedal Board - FULLY LOADED W/ Flight Case

  • 2200.00 £
  • Published date: January 24, 2025
    • Barking Essex, London, United Kingdom

Tour Pro Pedal Board - FULLY LOADED W/ Flight Case

⭕ She has everything from:

A. 4 Amp-Outs w/ locking latches (each channel independently selectable) w/ 4 individual Wet / Dry Switches (meaning you can bypass ALL Effects Per Channel, if needed),

B. TRUE BYPASS STRIP (7 pedals are currently wired, 1 is a Master Switch & 2 are open for you)

C. Adjustable Signal Buffer (0-22db of clean boost designed by Bob Sweet)

D. Custom Power Supply (ALL pedals are POWERED - simply plug-in the board)

E. Patented Flip-Flopper (allows you to change the Keeley 4-Knob Comp before or after the Distortion Pedals)

F. Tuner Switch (everything is silenced and signal is sent to Peterson Strobo-Stomp)

G. George L Cables (wire the entire board)

H. Switchcraft Jacks (used throughout)

With all those features, lets turn to the List of Pedals and Effects (29 in Total):

1. Klon Centaur 2. Fulltone Mini Deja-Vibe 3. Fulltone 10th Anniversary Full-Drive 2

4. Fulltone Robin Trower OD 5. TC Electronic Chorus + Pitch Mod & Flanger 6. Diaz Tremodillo (early model)

7. Fulltone OCD v2.0 8. Lovepedal Super Six OD 9. Lovepedal Eternity OD (early model)

10. Lovepedal COT 50 (early model - bias knob only) 11. Menatone Red Snapper 12. Blackstone Mosfet Overdrive (my fav)

13. XOTIC AC Booster 14. XOTIC RC Booster 15. Retro Sonic Eight-o-Eight OD

16. Effects Pedal Boutique SRB 808+ 17. Boss OC-2 Octave (early) 18. MI Audio Crunch Box

19. Teese Wheels of Fire Wah 20. Ernie Ball Jr. Volume Pedal 21. Ibanez DML-20 Modulation Delay III

22. Line 6 Space Chorus 23. Line 6 Echo Park 24. Line 6 Verbzilla

25. ThroBak Stone Bender Fuzz 26. ThroBak EQ Boost 27. Peterson StroboStomp

28. Keeley 4-Knob Compressor (can be switched before or after the Distortion/OD pedals)

**29. Home Brew Electronics Power Screamer w/ Bass Toggle (Ill include her w/ the sale - it is not attached to board, currently)

True Bypass Strip Lineup (R to L):

* Master On-Off Switch
* Klon Overdrive
* MI Audio Crunch Box
* Boss Octave
* Deja Vibe (labeled Funky Box)
* Ibanez Modulation Delay Pedal
* 2 Available Bypass Switches on Strip w/ George L Cables run to open board positions

this is a lot sale only.thank you

Phone number ✆ 07424 649853
Barking Essex, London

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