Guerrini Superior 2 President Accordion

  • 2100.00 £
  • Published date: March 3, 2025
    • Sandhurst, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Guerrini Superior 2 President Accordion

⭕ Here is a Guerrini Superior 2 President accordion. The President remained Guerrinis top of the line model. The instrument I am presenting here will make any accordionist proud. The visual appeal and spectacular tonal tonal power are enhanced by flawless mechanics and excellent compression.
Excellent Hand Made Reeds
4 sets of treble reeds - LM1M2H
Recently tuned to 442 Hz with the out-of-chamber clarinet reeds M2 tuned very slightly sharp
DOUBLE TONE CHAMBER (CASSOTTO) - Bassoon (L) and Clarinet (M1)
5 sets of bass reeds
41 keys, 19.25 keyboard - one of the key features to the success of the President model - nicely round white key tops with smooth edges, fantastic action due to the special construction
11 treble switches plus Palm Master for 12 different treble sounds - Bassoon (L), Accordion (LM1M2), Bandoneon (LM1), Harmonium (LM1H), Organ (LH), Musette (M1M2H), Violin (M1M2), Oboe (M1H), Sopran (M2), Clarinet (M1), and Piccolo (H) - note the second set of middle reeds that are out of the chamber is accessible through the Sopran switch. If you happen to like Balkan music you know this switch is a must-have.
Palm Master switch (LMMH)
120 bass - white pearl buttons - 7 bass registers
Bass tone chamber with low-A reed configuration - the depth and strength of the bass will make your chest vibrate.
Excellent padded shoulder straps with back-straps. All-leather straps are available on request.
18-fold red bellows with black lining - clean - excellent compression
Leather bellows protector
28.5 lb
Hard-shell case with internal padding

Phone number ✆ 01452 955712
Sandhurst, Gloucestershire

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