• 2000.00 £
  • Published date: January 6, 2025
    • Brus Laguna, East Yorkshire, United Kingdom


⭕ Incredible WWII German cased 10X80 flak binoculars with a prototype 4X magnifying lens. This ulrta rare accesorie was souveneered by Corporal Joseph Deponte of troop B, 88th Cavalry Recon. A superb and fully functional, complete set and original period wooden storage case. Used by German anti-aircraft batteries for spotting aircraft, they have a very wide field of view and the lenses are inclined at 45 degrees for easy viewing. The glases are manufactured by Emil Busch AG, Optische Industrie, Rathencow, and marked with the code D.F. 10 x 80 CXN with its original ordnance paint finish. The optics are superb and crystal clear without fault or any problems or issues. The adjustments for eye relief, width and selector for filters from clear (Klar) to Dark (Dunkel) are fully functional and all the filters are present. All spirit levels are in place and fully functional and the perspex has no damage. The padded brow piece fits and locks perfectly and is in very good condition having no problems at all. The 4X magnifier is also produced by Emil Busch AG and is clearly marked to the front of the unit. Also like the 10X80s the optics of this prototype set is crystal clear.

Phone number ✆ 01482 837307
Brus Laguna, East Yorkshire

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