20 Centuries AD: 20 Coin Collection

  • 200.00 £
  • Published date: March 1, 2025
    • Burwash, East Sussex, United Kingdom

20 Centuries AD: 20 Coin Collection


The history of coins can be traced back to its beginning in the 7th century B.C. when the first coins were made in Lydia and
Ionia, now western Turkey, from electrumCa naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver. These lumps of stamped metal
qualified as coins because they were made of a rare material, had a fixed weight and were approved by the authorities of the
time. It can be argued that the rapid advance of civilization as we know it could not have been possible without the invention
of coins that were an acceptable medium of exchange for the trade of goods and services between far flung groups of people
across the globe.
Its hard for most people to avoid an emotional response to handling ancient relics that are hundreds, or even thousands of
years old. Owning and collecting coins over the centuries has allowed not only academics and historians, but also ordinary
folks to personally own these amazing keys to history. In many cases coins are the only evidence we have of ancient
civilizations and cultures that have seemingly evaporated from the historical record. Even today, with all the technology we
possessto study the past, important historical discoveries are still being made by studying ancient coins that have survived the
ravages of the centuries.
This is an exquisite collection of 20 different genuine silver and bronze coins, one each from the first Twenty Centuries
Anno Domini. The coins span 2000 years of history, representing diverse cultures and ancient, lost civilizations from
around the world. Each coin is protected in an archival capsule and beautifully displayed in a deluxe custom-made cherry
hardwood case. The case features a rich, forest green velour-like interior and an engraved plaque inscribed with a list of
the coins. The deluxe case and a certificate of authenticity come packaged in an attractive black embossed gift box.
Box measures: 12.5 x 6 x 2
Order code: 20CADBOX-F
Coin types and grade may vary somewhat from image
1st Indo- Scythian Azes II Bronze Drachm 11th Ghaznavid Silver Dirham Fraction
2nd India Western Satraps Silver Dramma 12th Ceylon Kandy Kings Bronze Massa
3rd Elymais Bronze 13th Qarlughids Bronze Jitals
4th Roman Constantine I Bronze Commem. 14th India Sultans of Delhi -silver
5th Kidarites Red Huns Bronze 15th China Ming Bronze Cash
6th Maitrakas of Valabhi Silver Dramma 16th Hungary Silver Denar
7th Byzantine Bronze 12 Nummi 17th Safavid Silver Abbasi Fraction
8th China Tang Bronze Cash 18th Dutch East India Co. Copper Duit
9th Indo-Sassanian Silver Gadhiya Paisa 19th Cambodia Bronze 1/2 Fuang
10th India Chola Bronze Massa 20th Russia Czar Colonial Silver 50 Pennia

Phone number ✆ 07896 588629
Burwash, East Sussex

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